Sunday, May 14, 2006


Last night went very well, I feel like I accomplished a step God needed me to take to move forward. I told my story last night. Forgive me for not getting pictures or my story up soon. I'm trying, but most of the time I have to ttype quick and get off the computer quick....three kids, ya know.

Anyways, since I have given my story, the whole group prayed for Scott and I and our family's ministry and what it will become.....that felt soooooooo good. Today, I am very overwhelmed with the push to go go go, but my question is what, what, how. I feel kind of scattered with excitement and confusion. I wish I could answer the question: Where do you see yourself in ten years? ; without just "Wherever God puts us"

I want specifics! I want to know! Hee hee. But that may not reveal itself until that very time comes. I'm ok with that, but today I'm just wrestling with my thoughts and mixing them with God's guidance.

What these next couple of months hold that I need prayers for:

-finding a new job that God is preparing for me

-I have a meeting with the Ministers of Missions May 24th, where I'm hoping to let them know our hopes, desires, and outreach/church planting with the hopes of their support

-I want to once or twice have a 24 hour period in this house that has a constant prayer going, I pray we can find a babysitter also. I have always had it in my heart to do 24/7 prayer, but this is my baby step which feels ginormous!

-Henna parties, small and big, some with food, some with snacks, some with a movie

-movie nights, game nights, girl makeover nights...whatever

-conversational day....this needs to happen soon...pray that the people who need to be there to talk and hear openly conversations about who this Jesus guy is, will be there

Not sure what else.....I'll keep you posted.

thanks much to you all, much love to ya
I know i

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