Monday, March 13, 2006

rested but tired...tired, but productive

wow.....scott let me nap for over 2 hours today (i was pretty much uselss anyways) and man tonight i have done more than i have in a long time after working. i cooked, did 4 loads of laundry...put them away even, did dishes and vaccumed the living room. on top of that i got to be a listener to a great friend going through a hard time. i normally can't do body just gets so worn and burnt out, its normally a good night if i fix a good meal. sucks to say that but its true.

so i'm going to start doing prayer walks.....not sure where other than work yet, but that's a great start.its been hard with relationships there, and a bit discouraging. but god has a plan and i'm thrilled about him doing his awesome work around me. plus i know if i tried to step in his way i just fumble it and makes things go longer than necessary.

so while i was doing laundry a red velvet dress of kiwi's was in there without me realizing, and now i have pink socks and to get the tie-dye kit out for a fix-y-do. not a fan of pink, but i must say one of kiwi's white dresses came out looking prettier than before! whoops!

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