Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Just breath one breath at a time

So I'm still alive, of course, but I'm more than exhausted. I also found out just today my one day off this week isn't tomorrow, but Friday, so I guess I have yet one more day. I'm pretty much done with this job. I just can't function at home the way I need to...even when I work my regular schedule. So back on the hunt, hopefully I can find something fast. I hope I can find something I REALLY want to do.

What' also sucks about my exhaustion is that I'm easily fed lies and buy into them, causing me to just really stress out. Such as I'm not going to ever get to do I want career-wise, and will never find anything I actually enjoy. Also, if I quit this job then I will just end up in the same situation 6-8 months from the time I start. I also am starting to feel that I seriously lack in trust and faith, and this is killing my heart.

On the good friend went in and they got her blood sugar under control. She's back on insulin shots, which she isn't happy about, but at least she has a way of keeping it under control. She is also joining us tonight for healing rooms where we just sit and pray for each other. This rocks.

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