Thursday, January 12, 2006

Rough times for a smoother path ahead

Sometimes you have to deal with the cruddiest of the crud to get to the good. This is what we are dealing with in Mikah. HE's been really easily stressed lately and has been hitting, kicking, and totally screaming at us. He keeps going and each time there's something different to calm him. In the beginning, Scott and I absolutely sucked at dealing with him. Our reactions made it much worse, and it got sour and easily crazed the rest of the day. Tension and stress was at an extreme high, and our family was fighting to not only get along with each other, but to love each other. We forgot that loving each other and showing it is a choice, not a feeling, that we must make and renew each day. Of course we still struggle with this, but it's better than it was. We are talking more instead of disciplining more. We are trying to find new ways of communicating our aggravations and frustrations and our anger.

It's hard being a mom and a wife, and its even harder when they seem as though they confilct with the other. Scott and I have found this problem coming up here and there, but what is so great about it is that we both realize it now, and are working together on being the best parents we can be to teach these kids how to become the best people they can be.

I would be lying if I said, that I don't wanna run away at times when the heat is on, but that's when I call on my friends from our community to just let me get it all out in open honesty.

Unfortunately today Kiara has been repeating the same things Mikah has been doing, but there's hope in Mikah and his sister. They are both relearning how to just stop and say they are sorry with guidance. I feel eventually this will come about without parental assistence. There's also very much hope in these kids because they have so much compassion for each other and people around them. Three kids can be very overwhelming.....very, and I'm not about to say ever that it is an easy job. It's worth it though. You just gotta take one day, one hour each minute at a time and do the best you can. I write this now as a reminder for myself. These are our little disciples....our own help grow these guys with the knowledge of God and His love.

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