Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Oh How I suck

Today didn't go by very well. It began with everyone aggitated and just not wanting to cooperate with one another. It carried like that for all morning. Then I needed to escape, and when I came back, all was well. But then the evening came with a very loud bang. I feel like the suckiest parent tonight and I'm not so sure how to deal with it, let alone be okay with myself. My damn temper and edginess took over and I lost the image projection of the mother I want to be. What do I do? Right now I just want to cry. I'm so upset that I allow myself to get upset over certain things, yet its so damn hard to just work out a neverending problem with a three year old that thinks she can get away with yelling and kicking at you, without getting upset and frustrated. Its times like these when I wonder how God doesn't smack the living daylights out of us for just treating Him like crud. (sigh) It'll be good to go to bed and restart my family tomorrow.

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