Monday, July 03, 2006

Hearing God's voice in the little things

I was just watching Asa play with this light tube that has a string on the end for necklace purposes. He had both ends of the string, one in each hand, and the middle was wrapped around the chair. He kept pulling on both ends, and couldn't seem to get it unwrapped. He refused to let go of either end, yet he was getting so frustrated with not being able to free it. He finally decided to just let go of both ends. It fell onto the floor, he sat back in the chair, sighed, then smiled. He was free. All it took for him to let go of his own control.

Does this remind you of something? We want things the way we want them, yet we soooo desire to be free. God wants us to let go of that control freak inside, that desire to have to have things our way, to just let it go, and allow God's freedom to surround us lovingly.

He was frustrated, he was determined, he was despaerate, he let go. It didn't happen the way he wanted it to, but in the end it was the best way it ever could have happened.

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