Saturday, September 09, 2006


Not so good here. Feeling heavily discouraged just about me. My memory is going weird. I look and look in the same place for things, really thinking they are there, look slowly, look fast, it's not there. But you better believe if I go to that space place, not looking for the object, just at the brink of giving up, it's there. This has happened many many many many times in the past couple of days. After it happens I really feel something is wrong. Or at least going on. My brain isn't working the way it needs to.

Asa has been a terror lately. I don't even want to go into the details right now. But man, this kid better straighten up NOW, because I have no patience or tolerance for the crap he's been doing.

I'm exhausted, I feel like a fool, I'm stressed, and I just feel pissed off right now because I'm allowing myself to feel and react this way.


Na said...

i've done that before and it doesn't make sense.

if we lived closer we'd watch yoru kids so you guys could get out.

Riley said...

Bummer. Praying.