Friday, December 09, 2005

What kind of tree would you be?

So earlier today I just picked up my sketch pad and started drawing. Wasn't sure what yet, but knew I wanted to draw. I ended up starting to draw the kind of tree that would describe me through my eyes. As I started drawing the kids gathered around me and were amazed at all of the branches and the twirls they did. They pointed out how the branches were all different, and thought how cool it was that it had a hole where animals could live. I told them about my tree and how I thought it described me, and then I asked them what kind of tree would they be. This is's art, self imaging and imagining, and its also a great way for them to get used to their hands and how they work, as well as with their brains.

So......what kind of tree would yours look like? Would it be dry, fruitful, branchless or branchful? Would it all be one color or many colors?

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