I went to a job interview today which I was an hour late for......but was still I think, a good interview. I feel it went very well. no answers yet, but hopefully very soon those will come.
Struggling like crazy to stay at my current job during this search for a new one...very difficult mentally to be there around certain people. I think I stay because God has kept that door open during a recent time....and I guess I stay because we rely on that check. What's funny is that when I write that, I feel God saying I don't need to rely on that....I need to rely on Him. I need to recognize that He's the one who provides...not my boss or my job. But I'm not clear on the question of staying on until I find another, or just leaving now to free up more time to find another...... I'm hoping to find this out with a conversation and prayer tonight. I hate feeling pulled in both directions like this....I trust, but is it enough trust? I hear but do I hear it clearly?
I've been playing with the kids more. This is good time and great fun and I wish I had more of it. Homeschooling has been good, with of course some off days, but still good times. I can't even imagine how it would be if we put them in public schools. Granted people do it and their kids come out fine, but this is how the Miller's need to do it right now. Its just good for us. I've struggled with it and probably will at times in the future, but that's natural. And its jusst not easy stuff to do. Its a lot of sacrifice......especially at first, but anymore its not sacrificial to us in how we feel about it. Being able to say this truthfully encourages me for the future.
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