This is him very recently:
Right this very a highchair not far away......the young Asa Miller is eating a quesadilla. He's getting so big, its hard to believe. He's actually been biting me during feedings, which sucks big time, but he realizes that he should stop once I pull away and put him on the floor. Its very confusing as to how I should handle the biting though. I've actually comtemplated totally giving breastfeeding up for this reason alone, but if that's my only reason, then that's just stupid. Luckily enough my body is still in one piece and nothing has fallen off.....yes I know...this is very good. But hopefully he will stop biting soon, so I won't be encouraged to stop nursing.
I watch him eat big kid food, and remember when the other two were at this age. They seemed so much messier, for some odd reason. I'm really digging into Super Baby Food, to get some ideas. He doesn't eat much solid food, but I want to start giving him more because he likes it so much.
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