You know, I still sit here, and say, "We're in freakin' Dallas!" Yes, it's really hot down here, and yes its far away from my family.......BUT God has been shining every chance He gets the assurance that this is where we need to be. Okay...let me step back for a job for instance. He's blessed me with loads and loads of free bagels. In the beginning it was a main source of food for our family until jobs and money came through regularly. Now its still a source of food, but just a snack and/or breakfast food. Also I've been bringing bagels to my neighbors just to get to know them. For some odd reason me gifting to someone helps me feel more comfortable to just knock on some stranger's helps break the ice a little bit too. So far I've met and had conversations with a little less than half of my neighbors this way. And the kids are now expecting that everytime we get bagels, we go out in the complex and share them!
Another thing is that I think through this whole duration, my worry crazy side only popped out a few times that I can remember....especially in the rougher areas like the initial move down here, and after we were already here, just waiting for money to come in. Granted I was freakin while looking for a job, but it was more about what I was going to find, more about my self esteem issues and I will be the first to sucky faith.
Also I'm getting to know the people at work more and more. Relationships are building there, and struggles may occur often, but God has definitely been a reminder that He is there too, in those relationships.
This is the kicker....we might even be able to fix our car soon! Wow, to have a car that doesn't die on me every sweet that would be! We're still in limbo about that, but it is definitely possible.
Scott and I had a real DATE! Huh???? What????? Huh???? Yeah, I know! We haven't been on a date since March when we came down to visit-slash-apartment hunt. A couple down here was willing to watch the rugrats for us to do this. It was a very good time.
I've been sewing my guts out.....I've got a couple of new shirts, and a bunch of new material to make more stuff out of. I've been forced to promise to actually spend my birthday cash on myself other than my family....this is a hard concept and task for me, but once I was in the fabric store....not so much of a task, but then self conrol had to kick into full gear! I'm finally getting my creativity out and its been very fulfuilling! I've also learned how to sesw around the kids...quite a task, but very nice!
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