Sunday, November 14, 2004

What's Goin On

Yesterday was Asa's 3 month birthday. Absolutely amazing how fast time flies. Also very awesome how much he's doing already. He's talking back to us in his cooing, screechy way; he's standing by pushing his legs while I hold him, and he's even starting to hold himself up on his tummy. It sucks because he's our last lil babe, but then again it rocks for the same reasons. Eventually we all can ride those thrill rides,go skate boarding, roller blading, and whatever else.These are things I could do now, but there are so little times I'm without Asa. I still try to give him a bottle of formula everyday so that when the time comes I can get a couple of hours he's okay while I'm gone.

The holidays are coming. Scott's family on both his mother's and dad's side are celebrating thanksgiving on the same day at different times. Yes, I can probably make it to both, but this is a day where I want to not only relax a little, but actually enjoy the people there. This will only feel very rushed, and when you mix that rushed feeling with being on the road 4 hours in one day, you have very cranky kids and a mom that ends up in stressful tears later on. now I just need to decide which side to celebrate with. Inny minny miney moe..... We''l just have to wait and see.

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