Still prego , and still waiting. I think I getting pretty close though. Well hope is also there too, but my body just feels like its getting ready. I've been throught his a couple of times, so I hope I'm right in this. Scott's all balled up in anxiety just from the wait of new changes that are to come once the baby is here. I think my braxton Hicks or practice contractions are getting much stronger, and a little bit more frequent, but nothing regular. I must admit, I fear not making it to the hospital in time. I'm already dilated to 2cm and 50% effaced, (well that was three weeks ago I think) and my past labors have done nothing but go by so fast. Heck my last labor went by so fast, I made it to the hospital 30 minutes at most before little Kiara arrived. That's a strange/funny story all in itself.....ahhh what the heck, for those who don't know:
From four months along with my pregnancy with Kiara I was on bedrest up until labor. I had a severe side pain that was the result of the placenta tearing away. It would heal up a little and tear away again throughout the whole pregnancy. Well, since I had the severe pain that whole time, I ended up just getting use to it in a sense. Well Kiara decided at a couple of occasions that she wanted to come early, which landed me in the hospital and on meds that stopped contractions. Finally, between 37 and 38 weeks it was time. That whole day I had done some light cleaning, and even cooked a decent supper for me and my mom. Well she came home, we ate, and just stayed up a little to chat. Well, all of a suddent the pain that I've had this whole time moved to my right side. It didn't worsen or anything, just shifted. Well, my mom being a nurse, I asked her what she thought about it. Well she just thought it must be the same old pain, just having an effect from my day of disobedience from bedrest. It made sense, so I just kind of ignored it, but something in the back of my head told me to go ahead and call my OB nurse and ask her. Well I called her and she told me to get my prego butt in there fast. So I told my mom and Scott what was going on. I was still highly questionable about it being labor, so I told Scott to go ahead and go to work, cause it was probably nothing. So he went, as we left for the hospital. I got in there, they checked my cervix, and I was dilated to 8 centimeters! I think I heard our nurse curse as she and the other nurse were rushing to prep for a delivery. My mom, then, all dropped jaw from shock, rambled off something about a phone and kind of ran to the front desk to call Scott and his parents. Scott's sister called his work to tell them when he showed up to rush to the hospital. Well, Scott arrived about 20 minutes after I got to the hospital, and the doctor showed up about 4 minutes after. within about 5 minutes Kiara was here. I tell you what, she's still impatient to this very day hahahaha!
Now granted I don't have that pain with this pregnancy, I'm probably just making myself nervous, but past experience doesn't help. Either way I hope its soon....I guess this is where Kiara gets her impatience huh, hehhee.
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